Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

Friday, 9 March 2012

UNLEASHED Rehearsal Footage - Broken Rose teach Warwick Street Vibe

Broken Rose Artistic Director, Gemma Connell, runs a 6 hour workshop for Warwick University's Street Vibe, in preparation for their yearly show UNLEASHED in March 2012.

If you'd like Gemma to run workshops such as this one for your group, please contact brokenroseperformance@googlemail.com


Disclaimer: Broken Rose does not claim to own any of the music used in this video.

Music mixed by DJ ABD.

Monday, 5 March 2012

Exploring Identity thorugh Devised Theatre

I talk through the process of creating "A+N" a 20 minute piece of devised theatre which explored the accumulation and negation of identity, and the idea of identity as a performance.

Accompanying blogs to follow soon at www.fieryrockets.blogspot.com AND www.thehumancondition2012.blogspot.com

Friday, 2 March 2012

My Artistic Process - Writing a Poetry Set

I recently had to write a whole new set of poetry for a gig at Sandbar, Manchester, as part of Light In The Dark Entertainment's "Into The Light" Showcase.

In this video, I share the process of creating that set, as well as snippets of the final product.

If you'd like to see the full set, please go to www.youtube.com/brokenrosearts

An accompanying blog will follow soon at www.fieryrockets.blogspot.com