Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

The World

IETM International Performing Arts Conference - Krakow, Poland - 6-9 October 2011

Come to... Party! The IETM Autumn Plenary Meeting in Krakow, from 6 au 9 October 2011 will take place under the sign of..."party"! Party as fun, party as conviviality and engagement, participation and international cooperation. With our collective movements, together we will find ways to prove the value of culture in society:


A group of people who have gathered to participate in an activity. 
A group of people acting together in a shared activity.
Action for change. This is main aim of any network. And this is our common aim as well.


A person or group involved in an enterprise; a participant or an accessory. 
One who participates.
One can’t do much by oneself, but when we join forces, our joint energy can change a lot, and every single force in the group is necessary to get things moving .


An established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office. 
A group of individuals united in a common cause.
We want to talk about politics and policy, national and global politics affecting culture, and cultural policy made by ourselves. Discussions about laws and regulations, about politics influencing culture, and artists influencing politicians.


A social gathering especially for pleasure or amusement. 
A large or important social gathering: affair, celebration, festivity, fête, function, gala, occasion, soirée.
And, after all, it is not just a boring reunion when all the same people talk about all the same issues.

 - From the IETM Website

Estimated Costs
Flight - £150 max
£20 per night in a hostel - 5 nights = £100
Spending Money - £150

Total - £350

Maybe one day...
Tisch -University of New York

Masters in Performance Studies
The one-year M.A. program offers a solid foundation in performance scholarship in a concentrated period of time. The program consists of three semesters of full-time course work, beginning with an exciting Summer Institute
The curriculum includes two required courses--Introduction to Performance Studies and Projects in Performance Studies--which are complemented by seven courses chosen in consultation with the student’s faculty adviser according to individual interests and needs. Students in the program are also encouraged to apply for internships in dramaturgy, museum curating, and other programs with which the department maintains contact.

Students who earn an interdisciplinary degree through the one-year M.A. program gain an academic edge for application into PhD. programs, not only in performance studies, cultural studies, and visual studies, but also in traditional disciplines such as English, anthropology, theatre, history, and sociology, as well as area studies such as Latin/o America and the Caribbean, African and African American, and Asian American studies.

Graduates of the M.A. program are currently pursuing careers as artists, writers, researchers, editors, performers, choreographers, directors, arts administrators, archivists, curators, radio broadcasters, and teachers.
The M.A. in Performance Studies is awarded by NYU's Graduate School of Arts and Science.

Ph. D in Performance Studies
The Ph.D. program in performance studies is small and rigorous. It offers intensive training for students who wish to become the new leaders of the field. The program accepts up to 4 new students a year. All newly admitted Ph.D. students are offered a four-year comprehensive fellowship program that includes full tuition and fee remission, comprehensive health insurance coverage and a stipend. Students complete 72 points of course work, followed by comprehensive area examinations and culminating with the dissertation. Together with a faculty advisor, students plan a program of study to meet their individual interests and to ensure adequate preparation for the area examinations and the dissertation. Thanks to the Inter-University Doctoral Consortium, doctoral students can take a limited number of courses at Columbia University, New School University, Fordham University, CUNY Graduate Center, and Princeton University.