Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

Monday, 15 November 2010

Vegan Freak

"All vegans have been there - if you're vegan, you know the situation well. Perhaps it's at work. Maybe it's with friends or even family. You sit down to eat, quietly ordering a salad or the ubiquitous (and so very tired) grilled vegetable entree, and some observant dinner companion notices that you're not chowing down on the chicken smothered in cream sauce and butter topped with bacon, or whatever the heart attack Atkins-approved special du jour is. You are keeping to youself, completely quiet and proper, and suddenly, in that moment of omnivorous realization, without any work on your part, you're turned into the militant animal rights activist, earthy weirdo, and transcender of all that is good and righteous in the world.

In short, you've become The Vegan Freak."

... The opening lines of a book which has been sat on my bookshelf for a while now. I can tell you every word is true. All vegan's will testify to having gone through this moment, which is usually promptly followed by a chorus of "What do you actually eat?" Yet, when you reply with a list of foodstuff as long as your arm, no one quite seems to believe you. I've taken to directing those non-believers to the famous book "Diet for a New America" which not only demonstrates how easy it is to become vegan, and how sustainable the diet is, but also spells out many harsh truths which today's society is inclined to shy away from.

The truth of the matter is, a lot of people seem to acknowledge that humans shouldn't consume animal products, but no one wants to talk about it. Now, I'm not one for preaching, but I prefer it when people practice what they believe to be right and wrong. I'd much prefer you to think it right to consume animal products (and explain your reasons for it) than continue to needlessly kill them because you like the taste but can't bear the thought of what you are actually eating. Be honest with yourself, that is all I ask.

I'm well aware that the world isn't going to simply turn completely vegan. However, if you become vegan at the age of around 20 (I did at 18) and you stick with it, you personally save 2000-3000 animals from the slaughterhouse in your lifetime.

I feel quite good about that.

Much cruelty-free love.

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