Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

My Beautifully Broken Rose

You may have heard me refer to Broken Rose in past blog posts. For those unclear on what this is, Broken Rose is my very own performing arts company, that is currently trying to stir up some interest on the internet.

Impatience is a virtue. It always gets things done quicker; getting them done better is not the issue, at least you’re flying along by the seat of your pants in a slipstream somewhere, and probably having a delightful time doing it.

So that’s me. Miss Impatient. I’m the kind of girl who’s already reaching for the button on her jeans before she’s closed the cubicle door because I’m having far too much fun bumbling along to waste extra seconds in the loo.

And that’s Broken Rose; performance that wants to show off now, and not later when it could be more practiced. No. That would ruin the aesthetic. We’re here to teach something primal. Here to tell a story of love, hatred, and someone who never made it by others’ standards, but by some other warped one, one day you’ll see their name in ‘effing lights.

Aiming to smash through every preconception and convention the performing arts world has ever held, Broken Rose is a performing arts company which combines all forms of performance in their work. Currently putting together a performing arts crew of alternative lovelies. Remember, you’re a Rockstar.

The above should give you a flavour for what we do at Broken Rose, and the below video should add to that. Similar videos can be found on our YouTube channel - www.youtube.com/user/brokenrosearts

We have various projects in the running at the moment, one of which is a Music Drawing project with Artist Naomi Kendrick. Naomi is currently working on a mass music drawing project, which will take place in Manchester next year. She was interested in working with Broken Rose because dancers hear music in strikingly different ways. I recently spent an afternoon doing some music drawing with Naomi. Her innovative idea of music drawing involves letting music flow through you, drawing what you feel onto the paper whilst a piece of music is being played. We tried out various different styles of music during the afternoon, and noted the difference in the drawings with each genre.

We also played around with movement in our session, with me dancing whilst Naomi drew the music. Naomi described my movements as being what was going on in her head as the music was being played.

Apologies - the audio on the final clip went a bit funny, so a different track is over the top. For the full video of that clip, please go to http://vimeo.com/user3350784

An extremely successful session, Naomi and myself will be meeting again soon to perform some more music drawing experiments, so stay tuned for that!

For more information on music drawing, check out Naomi's blog at http://deadrabbit-ablog.blogspot.com/

For more information on Broken Rose, please go to our website at http://www.brokenrose.eu/
For more Broken Rose videos, please go to our YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/user/brokenrosearts
And follow Broken Rose on Twitter: www.twitter.com/brokenrosearts

Much Love.

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