Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Life is but a dream...

I have a fantastic blog lined up for you guys... but unfortunately it depends on a package which I have not yet received. It was supposed to come to day, but it hasn't so you're just gonna have to listen to some spiel about my dreams instead!

I've been having some rather fantabulous dreams lately... and by "fantabulous" I mean outrageous as they're not neccessarily nice. The other week I dreamt that I had a massive arguement with my mum and my brother and then all of my teeth fell out rather violently. Half of the inside of my face came with them. Lovely. Apparently teeth falling out in dreams means some sort of loss of control, which makes sense now that I've moved back in with my parents.

Last night I dreamt that we moved into some really creepy haunted house that was also filled with monsters. I tried to escape and no one would help me. I have no idea what that one means.... any suggestions?

Much Love.

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