Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

Monday, 6 September 2010

It's a strange world out there...

Just been watching the video of the dance parade I organised and choreographed in uni (video at the bottom of this post). I have such a hankering to do something like that again, RIGHT NOW.

It always seemed so easy in uni - loads of students, all trying to get some experience, lining up to help. But now, no one seems to want to do anything unless they're getting paid for it.

Well, I think I'm gonna add that to my list of things to do before I leave England for California - get a dance parade, even better than its predecesor, going through the streets of Manchester. We'll see how that goes.

In other news, did anyone hear about that goat who had its horns ripped out? Some seriously effed up people in this world...

Get listening to new Blaqk Audio tracks guys - I believe "Ill Lit Ships" and "Bon Voyeurs" (my personal favourite) are available on YouTube somewhere. I seriously reccomend them.

Much Love.

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