Celtic Californian

A proud Mancunian Dancer, Choreographer, Artistic Director and Performing Arts Producer who's heart is calling to her from San Fransisco.


Feel free to contact me at celticalifornianblogger@gmail.com

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A short time for Burning...

I didn't realise I was going to hate this quite as much as I do now. I decided that it would be best to live with my parents before moving to California - the rent was MUCH cheaper than anywhere else in Manchester, by far, meaning I'd save the money to cross the pond much quicker. However, once you've lived on your own for 3 years, it's remarkably difficult to adjust to the house rules I now have imposed on me. Old fashion parents just can't seem to grasp the fact that a house is for living in - it's not a show home. But what I would do to cross the atlantic quicker...? It must be endured.

Speaking of the US, it has just been suggested to me on YouTube that I should get some Broken Rose stuff on at the Burning Man festival once I get over there. Now that sounds like a fantastic idea. I'd heard about the festival before, but for some reason I'd never considered it in the context of Broken Rose. It's deffinitely on the "To Do" list.

With my feet firmly on UK soil at the mo, I've started writing another play before I've even finished "Cobwebs". "Cobwebs" is looking good though - taking the time to make it a full length play now, whereas I think this new one will be a one act show. It's called "Bitten", and yes, the previous post about vampire research was referring to this particular baby. It's really quite interesting to write.

More info on both plays as and when :)


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